Shipping Policy

Our Products typically shipped within 2 to 4 working days from the creation date of the order

Our Shipping cost is 50 L.E to anywhere in Egypt.

Return Policy

The consumer has the right to exchange or return the commodity and refund its value within 30 days from the date of purchase if it is defective or does not conform to the specifications or the purpose for which it was contracted, in accordance with the instructions of the Egyptian Consumer Protection Agency.

In the event that this period of “30 days” has passed from the date of purchase recorded in the invoice, the consumer is not entitled to demand the replacement or return of the commodity or refund of its value.

The consumer has the right to exchange the commodity or return it and recover its value without incurring any expenses within 14 days of receiving it “except for personal care products” in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law, provided that the commodity is in the same condition it was in at the time of sale, i.e. not used and in the same packaging condition